This is what a low-INT review of Fallout 4 will look like.

I'm looking at his comment history, He really does seem serious.

What a coincidence Das racyst

Blacks tell everyone that they're not violent and that it's the unjust laws that persecute them, and then prove themselves wrong at every every every time by rioting and looting any chance they get.

Treat your mental illnesses and stop being a walking petri dishes and we'll have nothing to talk about!

A top tier women league would play no better than the High school hockey, why would anyone watch that? A woman can play hockey as much as she wants and have all the fun in the world doing that, but for a sports professional to make money, they need people that want to watch them play said sport. Women’s sport is not consistently as impressive or anywhere near as high a standard, and gathers no interest from the public because of that.

They'd still be living in their huts if it weren't for the European colonization. Perhaps you should turn off your PC and go live in the wild if you think it's so great.

Muslim scholars, especially on television shows, repeat ad nauseam that "Islam means peace". The more the scholars tell us that Islam is a peaceful religion the more violence we witness that is carried out in the name of Islam. "Islam means peace" is rapidly becoming a joke. Islam itself is becoming a joke, so blind that it can't see what everybody else sees. Islam becomes a self-parody, basically... a cartoon. It is not us who are Charlie Hebdo: Islam itself is Charlie Hebdo.

Fags Are degenerate.

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