what lyrics do you relate to?

The lyrics in this song relate so much to some experiences I've had during mania. Their general feeling, and the way the song rises slowly but steadily, reflects the way I feel my mania coming on.

For example:

Traveling somewhere; Could be anywhere Historically, I feel compelled to move, on both the big and large scales. Last-minute, compulsive absconding has resulted in some of the best and worst times of my life.

There's a coldness in the air; But I don't care Do you, too, experience a sort of numbness to physical sensations when you're manic? Pain is more bearable. Icy cold winds don't bother me as much. Sometimes I'm under the delusion that my mind is "above that." My body ends up getting hurt a lot, purposefully (not unhealthy self-harm) or not.

We drift deeper; Into the sound When I'm manic, music can feel so strong and powerful, like it compels my body. Sometimes listening to music feels psychedelic, like you literally feel it vibrate your bones, and it's shooting beams out light out your brain.

We drift deeper into the sound; Feeling strong Feeling strong, that's pretty self-explanatory.

So bring it on, so bring it on; Embrace me, surround me; As the rush comes These last three lines are repeated three times, so you literally feel the rush coming on!
First of all: "bring it on": challenges are attractive. "As the rush comes": the climax of the song, wherein you feel it coooommiiiiiiinnngggg.... "Embrace me, surround me": I'm not sure about how I feel about that lyric. Part of me wishes that I had a spirit that could embrace and surround me to cushion me from the oncoming impact of my own creation. Part of me wants to be completely unhindered.

The song ends with "as the rush comes" repeated ad infinitum, and it feels so good.

Anyway, do you have any similar relationships with songs' lyrics?

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