What made you become a Digital Nomad?

I'm a genuine Xenophile. Been to 50+ countries and lived long term in 6, made efforts to learn the local language, befriended and dated locals.

On the other hand: my home country was destroyed by immigration. You can go to any of the top 5 cities and the majority of people outside aren't the native culture, barely speak the local language (if any at all), etc.

Low local wages have no bearing on consumer goods and housing affordability. Median individual income is like $2,000 USD and household (with multiple adults) is $5,000 USD. Yet a house on a polluted lake in a town with no jobs and 1 store will list for $400,000+.

\Our healthcare system has degenerated into death panels due to long wait times and a lack of specialists being hired for this rampant population increase. You can't get Daycare for your kids and they put 30+ kids into a classroom. In a lot of areas they're putting classrooms into those construction trailers.

CRIME HAS GOTTEN OUT OF CONTROL with no signs of it decreasing and the police / judicial system releasing PR messages like they stop tracking certain crimes or stop investigating thefts under $1,000. That's technically how the crime statistic goes down any year because it's not a crime if they're not registered as such. Leave your bicycle outside for 10 minutes and watch it get stolen and a man will threaten you with a weapon and cops won't investigate if you reported either.

I ask myself what's the point of living in this chaos and hell other than "friends and family"? The only way it could get worse is serial killers become rampant like Central America and the police ignore them. Did I forget to mention we have an increase of missing persons reports and there's no indication of them being found or solved? So that might actually have started!

I wouldn't necessarily call this xenophobia. After all I had no problem me myself moving around the world as DN and living in other cultures. I actually like it so I'm technically a genuine xenophile.

But I have to say it's not reciprocal. I can go to Taipei or Taiwan's countryside and 99% of the people around me are Taiwanese. Same story if I went to India, Georgia, Ukraine, Korea, etc.
And most of these countries still have a functional healthcare and education system although
I think South Korea just started seeing their housing market go nuts..

How they simply let my country go to waste is technically downright criminally neglectant. It honestly hasn't benefited anyone except the older population who owed property before 2000.

Therefore I might as well drift around the world until I feel comfortable in calling a new place home.

/r/digitalnomad Thread