What made you fall for your partner?

I thought he was way out of my league. He’s probably the sexiest man I’ve dated. He has amazing blue eyes and a great body. He’s very fit, tall, and strong.

He loves his family and is close to his brothers. He always talks fondly of them and his friends. He’s genuinely caring. He’s quick to admit when he’s wrong or sorry. He’s open to me emotionally. He spent six years as a combat medic, and he’s currently kicking ass getting his undergrad.

He likes bright colors, spreads kindness, and gets me to come out of my shell to sing and dance with him at the club/parties. He doesn’t mind that I’m quieter and usually wear grey and black.

The moment I really fell for him? We were running on treadmills next to each other during a hill workout, a song I like came on, and he started singing it and smiling at me.

/r/AskWomen Thread