What made you guys decide to join the marines?

My science teacher in 8th grade who was like a mentor to me was Navy EOD and we'd do together whenever there was a chance sometimes beach runs before school started or whatever

He knew even at a young age that I was just someone who was aching to serve. He gave me books on Richard Marcinko and I thought I'd end up being this badass SEAL killer but by the time I was old enough to enlist I was thinking about pursuing a degree in history and I wasn't confident that I could complete BUD/S and I didn't want to be a sailor in anyway shape or form

So with a strong love of history I joined the Corps which spoke to me more anyway. I'm not a motard but unlike anything else in life I wanted those fucking dress blues

I wanted the eagle, globe and anchor. To this point my only experience with Marines was a guy I did blow with at a club and a shirtless guy on Hollywood Blvd at 2 am who offered to help me fight these greasy dudes chasing 15 year old girls (was drunk got in a fight because I called them on this Marine came to save me from getting my face pounded)

I was a fucking wild kid and something told me these crazy motherfuckers who have a strong sense of pride and history and just want to pound whiskey and slay pussy/bodies (doesn't help that I read that Chesty quote "take me to the brig where the real Marines are) were who I wanted to spend the next four years with

/r/USMC Thread