What made you realize if you were physically attractive, average or unattractive?

When I was in my late teens. Me and my first girlfriend had been together for a year or two.

I’d stopped spending time doing my usual hobbies that were I suppose seen as “geeky” and did the typical thing of having my life led by my girlfriend, as in she dictated what I did all the while.

I don’t know what happened, but people viewed me differently, for some reason they saw me as a pretty mainstream yet attractive guy as I wasn’t now spending my time doing the things that I actually enjoyed. I was doing things that she made me do.

This lasted for a year or so, I grew up and concentrated on my job, went back to my old hobbies, told her to fuck off, now do my old hobbies again, have an amazing life, amazing friends, a great job and most importantly a new partner and two beautiful children.

Be you (as-long as you’re not a dickhead) there will always be someone out there who loves you for who you are!!!

/r/AskReddit Thread