What makes absolutely 0% sense to you?

Always dropping hints. Why not just say what you mean? I don't care if it could end up hurting me. I'd much rather you be brutally honest with me than for you to kindly lie to me right in my face.

Some people have adverse reactions to being told things bluntly.

Take a look at the thread about "nice guys" in askreddit

Adamantly refusing offers, even if they do want what they're being offered

Being socially conditions to believe that eagerly taking something is rude

Eye contact. How do you maintain eye contact for so long? And why is everyone expected to also maintain eye contact?

Eye contact requirements are subtle, people want you to have the perfect amount of eye contact. Most people just learn through context. The best is like 35% eye contact. No eye contact and too much eye contact are both equally creepy

Small talk. Why is everyone expected to engage in it? I just don't see the point in engaging in conversation that usually only lasts for 30 seconds or less and that ultimately leads to nowhere.

Viewing silence in a negative way. Most of the neurotypicals I've met generally view silence as a bad thing and feel really awkward whenever there's silence in a room. Why is that? What's so bad and awkward about silence?

These go hand in hand. People use small talk to avoid silence. And they avoid silence because.. I have some speculation about this but I cant answer for sure. It just makes most people uncomfortable.

Venting. Trying to give solutions to someone who's venting often leads to them getting angry at you. What do you expect us to do when you're venting? Just sit there and let you yell things at us?

Yes. You just listen. The goal of venting isnt to get a better understanding of the situation of get solutions. The point is to vent. It does actually help people feel better

Long goodbyes. I don't see the need to drag a goodbye on and on by saying stuff like "Say hi to Susie for me" and "If I don't see you by the end of the year, have a good holiday". Why not just wish them well once and then move on?

Social conditioning

Going to nightclubs. What's so enjoyable about going to a loud, crowded place filled with people you don't know, running the risk of doing something stupid and/or dangerous by getting drunk and then having a hangover by the next morning?

Some want sex. Some want to dance. Some go cause that's what "cool" people do on their weekends

Being seen as weird for not having hedonistic desires. Many neurotypicals look at others like they have a third eye if they tell them they don't smoke, drink, do drugs, etc. What's so weird about not doing any of these?

For some reason people sometimes are internally offended if you dont share their life style. You rejecting their life style for yourself is twisted into you critisizing their life style.

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