What makes a good captain?

Hello there, I am excited to hear that you want a great captain in your life! There are a few things I would love to share with you, in an attempt to help you out here. :)

If you like to be the supporting partner, do not take the lead. Ever. End of story. Once you start leading and "helping", men will stop trying because they can see that "you can handle yourself & don't need their help or their leading." You must become feminine enough to attract a man who is capable of leading you - You do not find him. You are the hunted, the pursued. You want a great captain? Surrender yourself. Once I did, many men immediately pursued me, and a week later I found myself being led by a phenomenal captain.

I give him the lead, and in literally every interaction we have, I never disrespect him (even jokingly), I give him the lead on decisions for activities, I give him the lead on conversation and do not dominate it, etc. I refuse to take the lead on anything, even trivial things, because he is my captain now, and I am simply a first mate. I can express my desires to him, and he fulfills them every single time. Likewise, if I feel uncomfortable or unhappy in any situation, I do not complain, but rather express my displeasure, and he will immediately pose a solution to reinsure my happiness. I feel doted on and cherished, and he feels like a strong and capable man - because I allow him the space to flourish as such.

Naturally, many women feel the same way that you have described: Superior to the man they are with. I hear you, I have certainly felt this way before too and it can be extremely frustrating!! The key is not to leave him, but to challenge yourself to set the tone of your relationship right. We have that power as women - it is beautiful, and it works!

Please, grab yourself a copy of The Surrendered Single by Laura Doyle. She has helped me attract a man that I find capable of being my captain for the rest of my life - I couldn't be happier! And I would love to share this feeling by sharing her book with you. You will find the tools you need to become a true first mate, and to attract a man that is more wild about you than any you've ever experienced! :)

Good luck to ya, I'd love to hear an update sometime. :)

/r/RedPillWomen Thread