What makes you instantly want to punch someones face?

  1. the assholes on the subway who don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze
  2. the bitchy little man at the strand you have to deal with when you sell books--no SHIT people generally don't buy used travel books, but what's the harm of checking if you'll fucking buy them before sending them straight to the recycling bin or donating them elsewhere. (this bitchy little man is not to be confused with the nice bearded man who also deals with buying used books at said bookstore)...ooohhhh bitchy little hobbit sized man....you have so much power....lord it over me some more....i quake before all your glory.
  3. assholes who don't pick up after their ratdogs shit on the sidewalk. our city isn't dirty enough. we need to inadvertently track dog shit all over it.
  4. people who litter...the world is not your garbage can, cocksucker. you're probably too lazy to walk to the bathroom too so you wear adult diapers to save yourself the trouble (like a crazy astronaut).
  5. loud talkers on the subway. if i can hear you over my headphones, i should be allowed to punch you in the face.
  6. people waiting outside congee village---please, spread out over the entire width of the sidewalk so pedestrians can't walk through. get a clue oblivious morons.
  7. the MTA--please, raise our fares so you can mismanage more of our hard earned money. thank god fulton was scrapped.
  8. duane reade--we all know why. they suck. they rob us blind, and we keep bending over asking for more because we have no other options.
  9. the nasty gimped up old geezer who eyed the large pie i was walking home with and got crazy close to my ear while murmuring hey baby how bout we work something out. work what out? I'm the one holding the pie---what the fuck could you possibly have that i'd want to trade--for ANYTHING, let alone my precious pizza.
  10. hipsters die already--you're a caricature of yourselves. when i see three of the same guy file into the subway car i laugh at you...and there's nothing ironic about it. you guys ARE the cover of New York magazine (that issues about wanting to stay young or something). take your chucks, your skinny jeans, hoodies layered under jackets, messenger bags, and horn rimmed glasses and shove them up your tiny anorexic little asses.
/r/AskReddit Thread