What makes a person boring?

Psychedelics. Most people are very heavily propagandized when it comes to this topic and its illegality doesn't help that reputation much.

Psychedelics because I wholeheartedly believe in their capacity for great change within an individual, especially for some psychological diseases that are usually impossible to overcome without them, such as treatment-resistent depression.

Also because there's great evidence that psychedelics are the reason we left the jungle in the first place, and are probably the missing part of our psyche that we so desperately need in modern society.

Take the Adam and Eve story, "Do not take of the fruit of knowledge, lest ye become as gods", to the burning bush, with taxonomy proving it was the acacia bush, a DMT-bearing plant. Or king Soloman, who describes a standard psychedelic trip, and him asking God how to discern between right and wrong, and receiving the answer on a mountain. Or the Vedas, with Soma, described like a psychedelic brew that they would not only drink but pee out, the same property as straphoria cubensis, a psychedelic mushroom that can be passed through seven bodies before losing potency, which native Americans would pass through deer to separate the toxins from the psychedelics. Or the Eleucinian Mysteries, where philosophers such as Socrates or Plato would take a psychotropic brew in the darkness to contemplate life's greatest mysteries, confirmed to have entheogenic plants (and cannabis) as a part of the brew by modern sampling of their mixing bowls. Or Catal Huyuk, the cattle-worhipping huge stone-age civilization, and the various mushroom tribes of Africa. Straphoria Cubensis grows in the dung of cattle, something cattle-breeders would have noticed.

Not just the historical evidence, either. Biological evidence speaks heavily for this theory as well. DMT is endoginously produced in the human body in several places and can be found in the bloodstream of every human on the planet, as well as the proof that it is produced in mice pineal glands, meaning it's not a stretch to say that it is produced in human pineal glands either. Take for example that Octopi appear to react to MDMA the same way us humans do (MDMA releases a shitton of serotonin), and since we split from them evolutionarily a LONG time ago, it's safe to say that our serotonergic system is pretty much standard for most mammalian life. The Pineal is the 'third eye', that used to be a physical third eye in our long dead ancestors and regulated melatonin production based on the amount of sunlight it would receive. Over time it receded further into the skull of most mammals. Or the fact that a dietary source for a compound would reduce the amount of the naturally-produced compound in our bodies, which may be why the ego overtakes a person if you don't regularly dissolve it. Psilocybin is just one oxygen molecule off from DMT, which is what allows it to pass through the monoamine oxidase system in your stomach which normally break DMT down so it isn't orally active. DMT and Psilocybin are also both Tryptamines, same as Serotonin, and very similarly structured chemically.

For the healing properties, Psilocybin has been shown to be basically a magic bullet for treatment-resistant depression. Obviously not in every case, but in the majority of cases. As well as LSD having the highest rate of curing alcoholism than any other solution. Most of this research is old, though, as their schedule-1 illegality prevents most science being done on these compounds, with very few exceptions.

Psychedelics cause the novelty-detecting part of your brain to fire much more rapidly (I can't rember the name of the system responsible, I think the amygdala), meaning you see the world as if it is new again. This is incredibly beneficial, as it gets you to ask questions about the things you've long come to accept as fact. It basically uproots your psyche and cleans underneath the floor mats, if you will.

That's not even to mention the spiritual aspects of psychedelics. Personally I used to be a staunch athiest, but after the experiences I've had, man? I literally saw stereotypical religious imagery in my mind, like full-on more-real-than-real depictions of the divine. O felt emotions stronger than any I'd ever felt before, it felt like I unlocked something within myself. Ever since then, I've been a much kinder and understanding person. I understood that we do have a soul, but it's more like one individual soul shared by all of life, that incarnates into the physical world as multiple subjective entities. When it recognizes this, it is at peace, and it is glad, because it realizes that we are all the same, deep down inside. I've also had trips where I felt the physical presence of all the atoms and molecules around me, and I could see that at the most fundamental level, that I was made of the same stuff as the rest of reality. I always felt sort of distant from my life, but this cemented to myself that everything that has happened has happened for a reason, and that there is no reason to fear death, as I only borrow my body from the earth anyway, and I must give it back eventually.

Yeah, psychedelics can have their bad sides, but that's usually the result of poor set and setting. Teenagers taking them in their bedroom with friends, unguided. A guided trip is much more freeing, as it allows you to fully surrender to the experience and let your mind wander, as your physical body is safe. Schizophrenics should stay away from them, though, as psychedelics will dissolve who you are, they will show your body shattering into millions of tiny pieces. But you are watching this from some outside perspective, some all-knowing, all-loving perspective, and you realize that the you you always thought was yourself is merely your ego, and that there is another ground to stand on, k e that isn't actively trying to build walls between itself and the outside world, but one that is understanding of personal faults and mistakes and can overcome them entirely with the will of love.

IDK, I've been writing this for like 20 mins, gonna finish up and do something else. But that's more or less the first of it. I'm probably forgetting quite a lot of details that would help see the picture together, so if yo have any questions, feel free to ask!

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