What MBTI types are those in your intermediate family, and do you think they played a role in making you an INFP?

My immediate family consists of my mom, sister and brother. I had my sister take the test and she's an ESFJ. From what I've observed, my guess is that my brother is an ISFJ (My brother is autistic and nonverbal so I can't very well test him). So they're very similar, just like my mom and I are similar; she's and INFJ.

For better and for worse, we're all feelers in my house, so I think that trait of mine was cultivated in this environment. We're all considerate of each other a lot of the time but when we argue, things can get ugly because we all feel so deeply. But my feeling preference is only slight; I'm just barely a feeler over a thinker, whereas with my mom and sister, their tests indicated they had a strong feeling preference over a thinking one. They both admit I'm the brainiest one among us, lol.

Growing up my sister always handled social interactions whenever I was around her, which probably caused me to rely on my introversion more than I would've if I didn't have my sister as my buffer. But at the same time, I always had her to hang out with, so I was never lonely. That's changing now as she has a boyfriend and I don't even have one friend, but that's the way things are.

My mom sees the world almost as I do, but she's better with schedules, keeping the house clean and her work ethic is stronger; you know, obvious differences you would expect between an INFJ and INFP. But we're both homebodies who loving sharing our feelings and talking about plans for the future instead of something that happened to us on some particular day. My sister, by contrast, is very into going into great detail about what happened during her day, especially in terms of workplace drama. But I'm sure the wild ideas my mom and I get can be tedious to her too.

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