What is the meanest thing you've done to another person?

5 years or so out of college, this one obnoxious dude (referenced here as DW) from our theatre class moved to the same big city as myself and a few friends. DW moved to pursue an acting career and was notorious for his ridiculously impassioned tantrums whenever his NFL team would lose games, especially post season games -- chair throwing, name calling to others in the room, punching stuff, breaking stuff, childlike rants on social media, etc., etc. So anyway, when DW moved to said city where we resided, he reached out to us to hang so we gave him another chance. Why not? People turn over new leafs, you know? Nope. Not this guy. His team lost the Super Bowl that year and he was the same obnoxious fuckface as 5 years ago.

So one night my buds and I are drinking/smoking and we realized DW.com was an available domain -- which was fucking ridiculous because he was pursuing an acting career and EVERY actor should own theirownname.com for obvious reasons.

Well, we all chipped in a few bucks and bought DW.com that night and had it redirect to the homepage of the NFL team that beat his in the Super Bowl.

It sat unnoticed for months, but we knew immediately when the day came where DW finally decided to buy DW.com because he flipped his shit on social media, trying to pinpoint the culprit. Then he randomly showed up to my buddy's office building, barged past the doorman and beelined to my buddy's office, flinging the door open and just went off on him. Despite my buddy getting a kick out of the whole ordeal, security had to remove DW for disrupting the work place.

Turns out we didn't buy the whois protection or whatever, so when DW dug around a little to find the domain owner, he got the name of the office buddy who actually entered his info to register it that one night.

It was cruel, but so fucking worth it!!

TL;DR: Bought the domain of an annoying classmate pursuing an acting career that was hisfullname.com. Had it redirect to the thing he hated most. Didn't find out for months and when he did, flipped his shit to the enjoyment of all.

/r/AskReddit Thread