What "mental illness" did your N try to diagnose you with?

I was frequently accused of being "crazy" by NDad, but he never specified a particular diagnosis. On a few occasions (when he was especially angry), he would throw the phone book at me or shove it in my face and demand that I "call a shrink". As an adult, I've always kind of wondered what would have happened if I called his bluff. At the time, I was terrified that I'd be locked away in an institution somewhere indefinitely if I did.

In reality, I was kind of a hot mess. I had some sensory issues (primarily involving food, this was a major source of conflict), started faintly scratching insults and the like into my skin at six (parents did not know about this), began having suicidal thoughts at seven, and had some definite deficits in the executive functioning department.

Unfortunately, the parental types thought I was just being manipulative/melodramatic, and other people didn't tend to pick up on the fact that anything was seriously "off". I was compliant to a fault outside the home and did well in school, so I think the majority of people just pegged me as being kind of awkward and "quirky". I have no idea what I would have been diagnosed with at the time, but I'm sure little me must be listed in the DSM somewhere.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread