What is MGTOW about?

Basically, dating and marriage in 2018 doesn’t offer much for men. Women aren’t necessarily bad they are just motivated to seek the highest status male they have access too, regardless of whether either of them are already in a “committed” relationship.

A lot of the men here are fathers and ex-husbands who’s wives just got up and ended the relationship. It’s not an incel thing. There are plenty of guys here who are high status men themselves.

The best thing you can take away from mgtow is to work on yourself. Eat healthy. Exercise. Get on a good sleep cycle. Moderate drug and alcohol use. Avoid short term decisions with long term consequences, like DUIs, unplanned pregnancies, STDs.

You may hate women after taking the red pill, but the the anger phase passes. After that you will be free to live your best life. Date, don’t date, it’s up to you. Just be aware of the raw deal for men that is the modern “relationship”.

/r/MGTOW Thread