What mild injustice was done to you as a child that you are still mad about?

Story Time!

In sixth grade I was bullied a bit. There was a table of eighth graders that would throw food and push me around and whenever I told the yard supervisor she would say she didn't see it and put no effort into following up. When I told my dad about it he told me I had to push back and that I wouldn't be in trouble for it. The next day the kid threw an open apple sauce on me and I told the supervisor while physically covered in the stuff...once again she just said she didn't see it. I told her I was gonna do whatever he did to me back to him and she told me she would send me to the office for the rest of lunch if I did that and that I would get in just as much trouble as he did if we were caught. Well...the kid threw a snapple bottle at me, I think it hit me somewhere in the thigh or something. I freaked out and had enough at that point. I took the cap off the snapple, walked up to his table of friends and splashed him straight in the face before I cocked back and swung it like a bat into the side of his face. It didn't break the bottle and he started crying and saying he couldn't feel his face or get up! It turned into this big fiasco and they had to assemble an emergency wheel chair because he was crying and refused to walk. We both got escorted down to the office and although I was told we would be given the same punishment I got inhouse suspension and he only got detention for 1 day.

The redeeming action that made my dad a hero forever in my eyes was when we had to sit down with the other kid and his parents. The other parents just accused me of being a bully and their kid told them grand stories of how I made his life oh so difficult. My dad just sat there silently and at the end the other parents spit off a list of things he could try to improve my "disposition." He stood up, shook their hand, and told them he didn't think he would be considering any of their advice, because all signs point to their parenting style as something that raises an 8th grader that would get bullied by a kid 3 years younger and he found it hard to respect that as a success in parenting. The kids mom was so offended she started to go off, but the kids dad was the real entertainment. His jaw hit the ground so fast it reminded me of the way my bully dropped to the ground. Fuck that kid.

/r/AskReddit Thread