What minor scene from a movie that is inconsequential to most people has a deep meaning for you?

There is a scene from the movie Network which I always find myself rewatching.

After the shareholder's meeting Max Schumacher, distraught over the embarrassment he had to suffer when his news department at UBS was called out for its consistent annual deficit, returns to the control room for the evening news with host Howard Beale (a long-time employee whom he was ordered to terminate at the beginning of the movie).

At this point in the movie Howard Beale is due to host his final show after saying that he planned on committing suicide on air in response to his termination the night before. And so the show begins with Beale's 'final' introduction:

...Yesterday I announced on this program that I was going to commit public suicide, admittedly an act of madness. Well, I'll tell you what happened: I just ran out of bullshit.

This being broadcasted live was no doubt a genuine risk to the company on multiple fronts, so Beale is ordered to be cut off by one of the staff in the control room, but Schumacher orders that he be left on.

Beale continues to go on about aspects of life that are bullshit on live television when at some point Frank Hackett, the man who acts as an interface between the UBS company and the CCA corporation which recently bought UBS and who announced the annual deficit at the shareholder's meeting, tries to contact Schumacher in order to halt the forlorn broadcast.

A woman rushes into the control room and says:

Mr. Hackett's trying to get through to you!

To which Schumacher replies:

Tell Mr. Hackett to go fuck himself!

This exchange between Schumacher and the woman lasts no longer than 4 seconds in a 2 hour movie and although it occurs in a very significant scene, it can be easily overlooked, yet it is one of my favorite scenes from all time.

Having worked 9 years in retail, I would give anything to tell one of the corporate bozos, if not the head honcho, to go fuck himself.

/r/AskReddit Thread