What misconception(s) did you have about puberty and sexual development before you reached it and how did it change after you reached it? Please include biological sex and your travels through puberty and discovery of sexual identity. See comments for example.

I'm the same, first guy in school to hit puberty, he 6ft3 in a short time, voice got real deep but i didn't grow an inch between the legs. I saw boys in the locker rooms half my size with grown man size dicks while i still had childsize equipment. At swim team I got so self conscious not being able to fill out my speedos I actually shoved the front to look like I had a large package. It worked and the girls actually thought i had a huge dick til this girl Jessica pulled em down at a tournament in front of the whole school. I couldn't even look any girl in the eyes after that. Now I'm 22 and still the same size down there, if you're well endowed be grateful, having a small cock sucks.

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