what do you think of misgendering trans criminals?

First, I don't think anyone should be misgendered. Period.

I think a number of people doubt Chris Chan's intentions with his transition. Chris Chan's idea of becoming a female to get more lesbians (called them 'boyfriend-free girls') just seems to contradict what I hope the LGBTQIA community stands for. There's a lot of very vile examples that can be found about this topic. But most new people aren't aware of it.

Either way, I don't see this as people purposefully misgendering for bad behavior in this situation. Moreso that people who have been following christory have seen Christine use it in ways to be inappropriate to younger females and/or grope them.

Not a justification for misgendering. Just merely explaining that it's likely not due to being a criminal and moreso that they've displayed predatory behavior toward young females for decade +.

(I'm against misgendering anyone.)

/r/asktransgender Thread