What mistake did your parents do raising you that you'll avoid with your kids?

My mother married a narcissistic ex felon who eventually became a hardcore heroin addict. Unlike my siblings I remember EVERYTHING shitty that happened to my family because of that man. I remember going hungry, utilities being shut off in mid Winter, tantrums, arguments, stealing, and plenty other things. Worst part was that he was my absolute hero growing up. I turned 18 and moved out and realized how shitty of a life I had. I had no idea.

Side note. Heroin is a nasty drug that ruins lives. I don't hate him for the drugs (mostly). He was one of many that got addicted due to drs over prescribing medication. I hate him for all the other nasty shit he did. If you or anybody you know is addicted please seek help. Don't cast someone aside because they're an "addict". They're sick and need help. Opioids rewire brains. Don't let yourself or somebody you know become another lost forgotten soul

/r/AskReddit Thread