What moment in BB history made you facepalm?

Ian and Dan were OTB. Danielle was HOH. She then also won veto. The veto ceremony at F4 takes place the exact same time as the eviction live. Danielle told Shane to evict Ian. He agreed 100% and had no issue with it. Then Dan convinced Danielle to use the veto. She then went to Shane and asked him if he was OK with letting Dan be the one to send out Ian. He wasn’t happy that he would have to go up, but ultimately agreed because the result was going to be the same either way. At least that is what he thought. But Dan sent him out instead. Everything we saw on feeds and the show pointed to him evicting Ian if he cast the vote. Ian even knew Shane was evicting him and that is why he was so thankful Dan saved him. The assumption that Shane would have evicted Dan just goes completely against everything that we saw.

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