What moment made you say “Yep, I’m definitely dead”, but survived with no major injuries?

On my bike going a good speed. Crossing a streetcar track i can’t see because of the sun angle. Hit at the wrong angle and catch front wheel.

I get launched right off the front. Time slowed; I knew it was going to be bad and was able to think about protecting my face.

I put my forearms out and they took the brunt. Skinned the top of both arms across half the length of forearm. Pinky so bruised I can’t tell if it’s broken.

Some guy was so panicked he was halfway out of his car ready to come help. In a bit of a daze I’m patting my hands on my body to see if anything is bloody or sticking out.

Amazingly I’m basically fine other than the aforementioned. Spent two weeks with gauzed up arms.

/r/AskReddit Thread