What moments in life do you think people take for granted?

I know this has already been commented but time with family/kids.. or ppl u love in general.

I came into my stepdaughters life was she was 6 and she was always ahead of her age and we use to never be on the same page and argue. Now she’s starting high school, we share clothes have a tight bond and are basically best friends. But all I ever see is her when she was 6 years old. What I wouldn’t do to go back in time and spend even a few moments arguing and being crazy all night ver again. Times flies. I’m so proud but it feels like a blink of an eye.

My son is 5 and it hasn’t hit me yet but I know when he’s older too it’s going to even harder on me. Proud to say I’ve given my kids my life, energy and time. It was never wasted.

/r/AskOldPeople Thread