What is the most bizarre reason a customer got angry with you?

Probably too late of a answer but I use to work at this restaurant that served variety of different desserts, this lady one day asked for ice cream after she got done eating so we got it for her. This lady blew up when she received it, what came out of her mouth dumbfounded me, she complained and started ranting that her ice cream was COLD that she wants another scoop instead... me being the nice teenager that depends on tips for a living decided to suck it up and apologize for the inconvenience. Got her another scoop and she still complained and asked for the manager... I informed my manager and she knew that the lady was just being a bitch after talking to her for one minute. The lady asked for it to be warmer... it blew her mind. We put it in the microwave until it was before melting point. She served it to her and the lady went insane on my manager. We decided we’re just going to take it off her bill, she was on a date with someone and the guy came back later and apologized and gave me a $50 tip on a $30 bill.

Hope the dude managed to escape the disaster.

/r/AskReddit Thread