What is the most bizarre reason a customer got angry with you?

Was working in a small corner store. Usually people say im cheerful and helpful, always in a good mood singing outside while no customer is inside , always listening to peoples rants and stories. A fat-fat-buff guy aged 40-45 comes in trying to pay with his credit card. Fuck this guy in particular. Due to a customer splashing some coke on the credit card thing before, it didn't work properly. So we tried it like 10 times until worked(had to type his pw). He was obviously pissed and i was like im sorry and explained the situation. He then commanded me to give him a small plastic bag which we give out for free. I was still chill and gave it to him when he snatched that out of my hand furiously.

Me : i don't like your behaviour

That guy : i don't like yours

Me : what did i do?

That guy : I thought you were going to put the stuff inside the bag

Me : This is a corner store , i am not your butler. If you were a nice person i would have done that

After that he complained a lot and threatened me telling me he knows the owner and he would'nt like my behaviour. I told him he can call the owner which is one of my best friends and we will see. Then some other customers came in (cute girls) so i tried to be chill and told him he should take his stuff and get lost and he is not welcome here anymore. He didnt move so i had to raise my voice a bit but he still didn't move so i walked towards him. He then walked to the door turned back to me saying exactly this fucking sentence , which i never understood to this day :

You are not even that handsome.

I shit you not i was shocked for a second. And everyone turned to him like wtf did he just say? Why bring up my looks now?Why so random?

I told him to piss off while trying to hold all that laugh.

He : I have a lot of money you know, i'm rich and have a very nice car and a very beautiful wife.

Me : Ye and a shitty personality

At some point i turned angry because he wouldn't leave so i walked towards the door and made him walk out.

Like 10 mins later a young woman came in ( whole body filled with silicone i am sure she was his wife) bought some stuff threw me an awkward look and left.

At some point the phone of the store started ringing. I though oh he already complained and now my friend is calling me to speak.

Me : Basic service introduction

Phone: " seriously you don't look that good. You can't talk to me like that i am rich"

I started bursting out laughing and told him sir you might need professional help but this is the wrong number for that and hung up.

My friend laughed his ass off after hearing that.

apperantly im living in a funny part of the city because shit like this keep happening and somehow i enjoy these because they are so random.

Once a guy screamed "white power" while buying beer. I didnt hear it but my friend did. We are mediterraneans so obviously he didn't like it and walked up to him to throw him out. Guy still trying to get past to buy beer saying fucking foreigners. Friend starts ticking out pushing him and as i know him he was gonna fuck him up so i went between them and started pushing the guy out. He tried to punch me so i started to get pissed too and as i almost punched him my friend got between and punched him first and threw him out. We had two girls in the store i apologized to them.

One of them said : he deserved it and it was actually enjoyable to see action like that once in a while. She asked us if she could use the toilet and had to walk behind me to go through(only staff can go in but we let some ppl through). Coming back she thanked me while passing and caressed my arm smiling at me.

That day i learned woman really like it when men get rough sometimes.

/r/AskReddit Thread