What is the most cringeworthy misconception that foreigners generally have about your country?

Similar thread from yesterday here goes...

South Korea

I'll just list some things that immediately come to mind.

  1. Eating Dogs This is the most irritating misconception foreigners have about my country. The point is, it shouldn't matter. What's the problem with eating dogs? We're on top of the food chain, we can literally eat anything that's below us (pretty much anything) and dogs aren't exceptions. And what do you know? Korea isn't the only country with "questionable," if not downright 'disgusting," cuisine. Maggot cheese from Italy, Gastropods from France, The surstrommining from Sweden, Stinky Tofu from China. The list is endless. What these have in common is, they are rare delicacies even in the country, and so are the dogs in Korea.

  2. Gaming Not really cringeworthy in general, but I'm a gamer, so it applies to me personally. And no, I'm not good at Starcraft (although I suspect I could beat a handful of you) and also no, I'm not good at League (although I'm a decent support with Leona main) So stop asking. I'm still better than NA D2 tho.

  3. South Korea is the one with Kim Jong Un, so you might wanna go to North.

  4. Can we tell apart ourselves from Japanese and Chinese? Surprisingly, that would be a yes. With decent enough accuracy at least.

  • Japanese people are shortest of the three, they have weird sense of fashion, women are cuter, males have the same hairstyle.
  • Korean people are tallest of the three, women look "prettier," males try to look feminine. (Note the quotation mark)
  • Chinese people are loudest of the three, women are hotter, males don't give a fuck about anything.
  • Roundness of faces: Japanese > Korean > Chinese
  • Evenness of teeth: Korean > Chinese > Japanese
  • Eye size: Japanese > Chinese = Korean (This is more applicable to males)
  • Standard deviation from the average physical characteristics: Japanese unemployed males > Chinese > Korean > Japanese employed males

Determining this woman's nationality is left as an exercise for the reader.

/r/AskReddit Thread