What is the most disrespectful thing one of your guests has done in your home?

Don’t have too many instances to choose from since I don’t have people over much, but this was freshman year of high school. Got back from a school trip to Yosemite and had one of the guys I roomed with over for dinner on Halloween before we met up with friends. Apparently he was still bitter that I didn’t turn the heat on as high as he would have liked five nights earlier because he started shit-talking me and saying how horrible of a roommate I was... to my parents and siblings and grandparents. I overheard him while washing my hands. I’m probably most people’s ideal roommate: I keep mostly to myself, I don’t have much stuff, and I’m not messy. I don’t know what he was on about. I guess waking up to a cold floor really got to him.

/r/AskReddit Thread