What is the most embarassing way your body has betrayed you?

I guess this could be worse since the only person who was around was my ex-fiancé, but I am still humiliated. My mom had given me some fancy olive oil she bought in Italy and I was in the kitchen putting it up when I accidentally dropped it. It was easy to pick up all the glass, but no matter what I tried, some olive oil was still there. I FINALLY got what I thought all of it up, though, and I felt like I was fine.

The next day, I got dressed as we were about to go out, and I walked into the kitchen like normal to get my Diet Dr Pepper. I slipped on olive oil about three steps in my kitchen... I fell HARD. Like right on my back on the tile hard. I was in SOOOO much pain, but the worst part was that the fall made me shit my pants a little. Not a lot, but enough for me to notice when I was lying on the ground and couldn’t move. The worst part is that I was stuck there for about ten or fifteen minutes and couldn’t get up due to the pain... when all I wanted to do was clean myself off. (My ex was abusive. He thought I was faking it for some reason, though I have no clue why anybody would fake that!) That may have been the worst ten minutes ever. And then my fiancé got angry with me for sharing that I shit my pants a little bit when I fell...

/r/AskReddit Thread