What was the most hurtful thing that anyone has ever said to you?

I know I'm late to the game but I've always wanted to get this horrible experience off my chest. Throwaway for obvious reasons. I was finally diagnosed with beçhet's disease at the beginning of last year. For a very long time during my middle school and high school years I suffered with extremely painful mouth ulcers that got progressively worse with every flare up. When I got these flare ups, I was on heavy pain meds (went from tylenol with codeine up to oxycodone) and for meals I had to drink ensures because it was painful to eat virtually anything. It was really hard to deal with at the time.

A couple years ago my mom, little sister, and I went out for ice cream at a really popular place in our city. My mom had a few drinks at dinner and was a little tipsy at this point. This was after a particularly rough bout of mouth sores and I was still healing, so I mentioned how good the ice cream is going to feel while we're waiting in line. Right after I said that, my sister said something along the lines of, "I hope I never get what you have", in a really condescending tone (which I am used to at this point because that is pretty much all she says when the subject is brought up). Then my mom said, "well then don't go around kissing boys, I bet (ex-boyfriend) was the one who gave it to her". They both started laughing so I tried to stand up for myself and said, "I've had this before I kissed anyone, and every time I've been tested for herpes it has come back negative so that's not what it is"

"Yeah whatever" is what my mom had to say to that. I was so incredibly hurt because I thought she understood how awful the whole situation was but she just brushed it off like it was no big deal. I started to cry in the middle of the ice cream shop and I felt so embarrassed. I know she had a few drinks but it still hurt me pretty deep. Ever since then, nobody has said anything more hurtful to me.

/r/AskReddit Thread