What is the most IDGAF thing you've seen an employee do?

I worked a lot of restaurants.

One time I was walking past another server and we bumped into each other causing a piece of fried chicken to fall off a plate he was taking to a table. The table was wighin sight of us. He calmly leans over to me and whispers 'put the chicken back on the plate. Quickly.' Done. He takes them their chicken.

Another time I run back to the kitchen to wash my hands because I had ketchup or something on them. A chef is going by with a big pot of water that I assume is to wash some equipment. Me: 'hey bro, hang on one sec.' And I rinse my hands off. Him: 'That water was for making soup.' Me: 'oh sorry. Here, I'll get you some clean water. I'm sorry.' Him: 'no don't worry about it, bro.' And he walks of to make the soup.

Best for last. A prep cook is in the back slicing tomatoes for the evenings dinner rush. He screws up and slices the top of his finger off right there in the tomatoes he was slicing. He bleeds like a fucking pig too. I drive him to urgent care and come back to work. Someone else had cleaned up the mess. Good. Me: 'hey, Chef, do you need me to slice more tomatoes?' Chef: 'nah, he left a bunch there on the counter before he got cut.' Me: 'but there was blood and probably a bit of finger in there...' Chef: shrugs 'I needed tomatoes.'

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