What is the most ignorant thing you’ve heard a non-American say about the USA?

I’ve heard quite a few. This one bothers me most because it’s not only ignorant but it’s disinformation rather than misinformation as well.

A British guy said he’d visited Louisiana and he happened upon a KKK rally to which he watched out of morbid curiosity.

I’m from Louisiana. I’ve lived there off and on for around 15. Out of those entire 15 years, I’ve never heard of one occurring least of all seen one in action. If it was out in the open for this person to run across, they’d need permits and it would be announced in the media to let the public know lest there’s violence. If he happened upon one on private property, it’s because this person was actively looking for a rally which tells me this person is racist.

Most importantly, of all the information I’ve given so far, there are fewer than 3000 active members of the KKK across the entirety of the United States. So then, what are the actual chances?

The other nonsense I’ve heard is that there aren’t any deserts in the United States.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread