What is the most infuriating thing you stumbled across that was influencial to you?

The US Healthcare system. Several times. Getting high doses of antidepressants and then lost my job and couldn't afford them, started trying to ration/ween off of them, but still wanted to kill myself every single moment of the day. Doctors wouldn't see me because had no insurance. I was lucky to have caring parents to lean on a bit. Can't imagine that being the case for so many others.

My SO got a big promotion in her job. This led to health insurance, which wasn't offered before. She's allowed one doctor visit a year, for around $200/month. They pay for a percent of medication and a high deductible. She slipped on ice and spranged her ankle. It was bruised all the way around her ankle, and could put any weight on it. Under up trying to get x-rays, not covered. Doctors Apt., Not covered (already had one this 12 month period). Cover crutches or at least some kind of bandage? Nope, not without a doctor's appointment. We're strapped, this was a few months ago, I don't have a job because of covid, and we're scraping by. I mean, ramen and hotdogs every day, something happens we're completely fucked, scraping by. So we decide to try and tend to it ourselves. Now her ankle is.. walkable, but still hurts if she's on it longer than a couple hours.

These stories aren't rare, at all. I really don't see the argument against universal healthcare. It's fucking stupid that so many of us are suffering for no reason.

/r/AskReddit Thread