What is the most nsfw thing you have seen while at work?

Okay, I made a throwaway for this because the weirdest shit in my entire life happened to me on a business trip recently. I need to tell someone about this because it's incredibly weird, but I absolutely cannot tell anyone I know. Warning: this is going to sound made up but for what it's worth, it is 100% true.

This is how I went from "hi, my name's mollyfueledorgy" to molly-fueled seven person orgy in like six fucking hours.

I was on a business trip with my boss and we were at the tail end of the trip so we decided to kick back with some of our partners as well as some of their other friends in town. Things started off innocently enough with brunch, but as we all know, any decent brunch includes bottomless mimosas. So like 15 mimosas later, we head back to the hotel with everybody to hit a pool party that was supposed to be pretty great. We have a few more drinks at the pool, and by this time things are getting pretty hazy for me and it's only like 4pm.

We all head back to the room to change back into our clothes and decide what to do next. So we're hanging out drinking a few more beers and someone busts out some molly. I'm fucking jazzed when this guy starts laying out lines on the bathroom counter. We snorted some lines (what the fuck, bad idea, my nostril was burning furiously) and we're all pretty fucked up. Suddenly clothing items start dropping like flies. One girl is totally naked, then a dude joins her... pretty soon everyone's doing it and people start taking my clothes off. I'm like, whatever, we're all rolling, I'm totally fine with this, they seem nice, everyone's doing it. Soon all seven of us in the room are totally nude just doing weird shit. The blow comes out. I'm doing blow of someone's tits, someone's doing blow off my tits, our developer is over on the couch getting his dick sucked. At this point I'm just awestruck at the hilarity of the situation around me and wondering how the fuck my day devolved into this scenario. We continue being nude and just telling stories and stuff and getting to know each other (emotionally and physically) until about midnight. I fall asleep with two people fucking next to me in the bed.

That's kind of the gist of it. It wasn't technically at work, but it was on a business trip with work people. I don't think anything I'll ever do again will be as NSFW as that day. We will not speak of this at the office. Ever.

/r/AskReddit Thread