What is the most pain you've ever experienced?

A few weeks before I lost my leg from a motorcycle accident I was in the hospital and I woke up at like 3 in the morning because my leg was hurting so I got up and tried to walk with my walker because I thought I need to circulate my blood and this nurse comes up and tells me I’m bleeding. So I look back and there’s a trail of blood leading back to my room so get back in bed and then the pain just started skyrocketing. It turns out because of all the blood thinners my calf was swelling with blood till the point it was rock hard and I could see the plasma leaking out of the surgical incision. I was maxed out on pain meds and it still wasn’t cutting it. I would’ve taken a 2x4 to the back of the head just turn the lights off. Long story short the doctor came in, took the sutures out and literally juiced my leg. But the pain before that was a definite 10/10

/r/AskReddit Thread