What do most people do that wealthy individuals find offensive?


Most wealthy people attend good schools that require you to have good manners. Some of these things are rooted in hygiene, so when someone not raised with the same expectations of manners behaves like a troglodyte, we clutch our pearls and gasp.

By we, I mean they. I went to that school and lived in that neighbourhood, but I'm poor now. And have poor manners.

It's perhaps something you don't think about often when you're living paycheck to paycheck, or wondering where you next meal is coming from.

My girlfriend is 3rd world dirt poor. She envies the rich. I wish it had turned out differently for me, but I've always been a fuck up and don't lust for money. My class at school had/has at least 2 billionaire families. Wealth makes for excellent recreation. I've been to the fishing lodge they go to and so has the Queen. It's very rustic, great food. I've never heard a word against "the poor". Or even someone looking down on another for their station in life.

I have, however, heard it the other way. I worked in an adjacent wealthy neighborhood and spoke to the 12 year old son of a coworker about the place. He pushed his nose up in the air and said everyone's snooty. And that seemed to be the opinion of the mom, too.

Anyway, back to manners offending the wealthy. If your school and family don't enforce good manners, they're very difficult to learn later on in life. Do all wealthy people have good manners? Of course not. But they've been give the opportunity to have them.

Growing up, my sisters were scolded for playing with their hair at the table, or in public. A courtesy to others that you're not going to fling some dandruff or lice on them. I'm accutely aware of this one, especially jammed into a bus with 75 of my close personal friends. But wealthy people don't have to worry about taking buses at rush hour.

Bro got on the bus one time, took off his helmet, and just went at it with shaking out his hair. Shit's probably flying everywhere. I clutched.

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