What is the most physical pain you caused someone else to feel?

When I was in high school, a friend of mine challenged me to a grappling match after he found out I did Jiu jitsu because “his trainer used to do sambo moves with him and sambo is superior to jiu jitsu”.

Anyway I told him he could just come to my gym that night and we could have a match. At this point, I had probably only been training for 3 months, and my skill set was very much inflated in my head.

He shows up that night, and we have a pretty competitive match. I actually never ended up “winning” because he just had to stop due to exhaustion, but he did well enough that no ones boyish egos were too terribly tarnished. He had to sit out the rest of practice and ends up getting picked up by his dad not long afterward.

Well, the next day at school, he’s nowhere to be found, so I decide to text him. His reply: “I’m at the hospital. My lung collapsed while we were rolling lol”

I truly have no idea how that happened. I’ve trained a lot since then, and have never seen or heard of it happening to anyone else.

/r/AskReddit Thread