What is the most preposterous lie someone has told you expecting you to believe it?

So I manage a department for a global call center but it's at home, there is this one girl who makes up the most insane stuff to try and get out of work on weekends.

So she once told me her dad got in a car accident so she needed to leave. I would not approve her to leave(not because I'm a bitch but because I stalked her on Facebook and saw she's never met her bio dad and her stepdad died like 10 years ago).

So then she calls me crying saying he's in critical condition and she really needs to go. I still tell her I'm not approving it. She can leave if she wants, but it will likely result in her job. Then that night when she leaves she sends me a message informing me that her father died so she'll need to go on bereavement. I say I need you to submit proof of this to HR and we will excuse the time. She comes to work the next day instead.

Then like 3 weeks later, she calls me again saying her dad had a heart attack and she needs to miss work to go be with him. Apparently she forgot she pretended he died a few weeks ago.

I could go on about the shit she says. It's like why are you even working, just quit. You clearly do not want a job.

/r/AskReddit Thread