What is the most significant synchronicity or coincidence that you have experienced?

I've had many of these happen, and I like to think that I am objective enough to recognize when they are legitimately weird rather than just confirmation bias, etc.

Here's what is easily the most "significant:"

When I was young, my family really went on only one real vacation, to a marginally popular beach town out-of-state. When I grew up, this location became my de facto vaction spot to revisit...every couple of years I'd fly or drive down to this town for a few days. It is my favorite place.

About 10 years ago, I had my heart broken pretty bad. Like, crushed... the only time in my life I'd ever really felt that. I was pretty dang depressed. So I drove down to my favorite town, about 1000 miles away, and stayed a few days to try and get my head back on straight.

I remember specifically sitting on the beach one night, on the verge of tears, extremely lonely, and wondering why I couldn't just meet someone here, in the town I actually enjoyed, and fall in love, and live on the beach. It's about the closest I've ever come to "praying." I've always felt it is pretty presumptuous and arrogant to ask the universe for stuff. It seems trite and selfish to me. But I did, and then felt silly for it.

Anyway, so I go back home, and like most anyone with a broken heart, I get over it, and life goes back to normal. But almost exactly a year later, I get a random myspace message from a young woman I've never met, who just happens to live in the above mentioned favorite town. She found me randomly, and decided to contact because it seemed like we shared a lot of interests.

Note: there was absolutely nothing on my myspace page or anything connecting me with the vacation spot town. She didn't contact me because I mentioned it or listed it as a favorite place on my page, or anything. It was just random. She could have just as easily been from Toronto or Bangladesh or Bumfark, Idaho. But of all the places on the planet earth...she was from my favorite little beach town. "Coincidence" would be an extreme understatement.

Long story short, we're now married, and I live on the beach about two miles north from the exact spot where I sat heartbroken that day...wishing I could find the perfect gal and live on the beach.

tl;dr: Made a wish I could meet a girl in a specific town and fall in love and live there. Wish came true.

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