What is the most unethical thing you did in a videogame?

A long time ago on halo 1 or 2(can’t remember) I was playing online with a friend from school. We heard this little kid talking (maybe 8-12 years old) and we started pretending like we couldn’t hear him to mess with him. After awhile of him turning on and off his mic, restarting his xbox and coming back we had the bright idea of telling him his mic was dry and needed water. It took about 20 minutes of convincing. We started acting like we couldn’t hear him at all and not responding to him, but telling him he needs to put his headset into a bucket of water. “Can you hear me? Can you hear me? loud rumbling underwater sound and then the rest were murmurs from his water clogged mic. We laughed for a good hour. We were asshole teenagers

/r/AskReddit Thread