What is the most unethical thing you did in a videogame?

I was playing around with the wicked whims mod in The Sims 4 - which lets you make the sims do naughty, beastly things with each other.

Anyway, I thought I’d make some erotic art, and came up with the wheeze of getting one of my sims to paint her brother while he was enjoying some special time with his girlfriend (if you level up the painting skill, you get the ‘paint from life’ ability. Basically painting a screenshot).

It was all going well when the artist suddenly burst into tears and ran from the room. Turns out I’d left the option which allows Southern-style family relations, and she’d developed a thing for her brother. Still made her finish the painting.

Tl;dr Forced a sim to paint the love of her life having sex with someone else while she wept heartbroken tears.

/r/AskReddit Thread