What is a movie cool guy personality trait that is a real-life asshat personality trait?

Whats the definition for "care free party type", in your opinion? It seems to me like this argument is just a tautology unless you define what that means. i.e. If "care free party type" means precisely those people who party too much to be statistically likely to be successful, then you can never be wrong because you'll always move the goal post.

I'd argue; however, that you can be reasonably called a "care free party type" and still be extremely successful. I have met tons of people like this. People who go out to clubs/bars drinking 2 or 3 nights per week, smoke weed and drink at home regularly, go to several big music festivals every year, and are totally liberal with their hard drug consumption. I work in a big city with a huge financial and software industry, and a few areas of town are filled every night of the week by thousands of extremely successful "party animals" of this type. Most of these people are things like software engineers, actuaries, mechanical engineers, financial analysts or investors, etc. Making 120k+ easily, with a reputable education and a good brain, living the bachelor's dream basically. There's an entire different echelon, too, where guys have more money than they know what to do with, so they blow thousands at nightclubs and go home with 6 women to piles of cocaine on their diamond encrusted coffee tables. I'd definitely call these guys party animals.

In fact, I'd call my friends with a successful career and good income, in general, bigger party animals than most of my friends who don't. Those friends are all broke so they can't afford to come party!

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