What must be said: An Asian's Viewpoint on Affirmative Action

I understand what you are saying and I do think its unfair Asians get the short end of the stick but there are a few things I think you neglected to acknowledge. I'm sure it's entirely possible rich black people do get into top schools but the grand GRAND majority of black students are poor. My sister and I both went to college summer programs, usually, we wouldn't be able to afford these but we decided to use our savings for one big trip (I had never traveled to another US state).

My sister went to the Brown Environmental Leadership Lab, and she was the only Hispanic person in a sea of ONLY white people and Asians, and she found it very uncomfortable no black people were there. (Program had 100 participants)

Mine was worse, in a program of over 400 participants (BU summer program) NO black people. Mostly whites and Asians, a few Hispanics were there though, so at least I wasn't the only one.

Last year at my sister's high school a very brilliant black student without a father who tutored students and was a really great person got into MIT. Did he not deserve to get in? He wasn't rich.

The problem with basing AA on income is that colleges might not want to get students who are poor. That's why top schools are need-blind. So they don't get swayed by the persons' ability to pay or lack thereof.

I understand you are upset but while the high expectations of Asian students is a valid argument, you should not blame minorities for getting in. They have as much right to dream as you do

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread