What my gross income of $100,000 is actually used for in Seattle, Washington, USA [OC]

OP is just another Seattle douchebro raising prices on everyone else. Here are my thoughts on their spending habits:

  • $500 on food is insane and they are living a life of luxury. Spending should be about half of that

  • $150 smartphone is insane

  • $2250 for rent means they're living in a new douchebro studio apartment

  • $300 on clothing a month is very high. I dress myself and own nice things (Red Wing boots, Banana Republic clothes) and spend about half what he does.

  • $150/mo on apps and $210 on games is mental. I consume a lot of media (video games, movies, and music) and don't nearly approach that.

  • $250/mo going on on top of $500 food budget is insane. Dude is definitely blowing unnecessary amounts of cash.

To give some context, I'm a mid-30s single guy that works in Seattle as a civil engineer. This is my spending:

  • Simple IRA: $1041

  • Other Savings: $1939

  • Rent/sewer/water/trash: $1296

  • Food: $240

  • Home goods (furniture, kitchen, electronics): $110

  • Clothes/Entertainment: $320

  • Transportation: $217

  • Utilities: $183

  • Cell Phone: Free (work phone doubles for personal use)

  • Medical: $75

  • Media: $33 (magazine subscriptions, video subscriptions)

I refuse vacations out of town as it's extremely damaging to nature, and it's a way to minimize my footprint.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Link - i.redd.it