What mysteries have you solved in your own head?

Elisa Lam overdosed her prescription on anti depression pills, it wasn't enough to get her killed so she just got "stoned". This is an explanation to the video only, because it is terrible to think that it was a supernatural case. It wasn't. I will tell why: I myself tried to commit suicide many years ago using the very same pills she was taking, a very common non dangerous anti depressant. I took about 12 of them and went to sleep. I woke up the next day to find out I slept for 18 hours. I got up and everything was too bright and I could hear my blood rushing in my ears and I could see shapes in the corner of my eyes and it was TERRIBLE. After a while, I went out of my house because everything there was making too much noise and I was getting paranoid that someone was there with me, a shadowy figure. Once I reached the main square, at dusk, there were a few people on the streets. I was in pain. I tryed asking for help, everyone avoided me. A woman saw me after a while and called an ambulance. In the hospital, they let me rest until the effect of the pills passed and gave me something in my veins. The next day, the nurse told me that those pills weren't very strong, but they could cause extreme paranoia in high dosages. The rest of the story is not relevant (I went to a resting farm for a couple of months). Anyway, the important part is: everytime I watch Elisa Lam's video, all I see is someone in a situation very similar to mine back then, someone needing help, not a person trying to avoid a ghost or whatever nonsense people seem to want to believe. She was paranoid and scared of things that were only in her head, not because she was crazy, but because she overdosed her pills.

(English is not my first language, I'm very sorry if I made too many mistakes in this text).

/r/UnresolvedMysteries Thread