What new game design trends you wish would go away?

"Open world with dynamic quests and day/night effects and weather and a million collectables and you can customize your vehicle/mount and customize your character's outfit and hair and oh did we mention that we have a super-innovative crafting system where you can make literally anything except filafels?"

Like, yeah, these games can be fun. But it's starting to feel like a requirement that EVERY new game includes every minor upgrade that every other game has ever included, and then add more of their own. I feel like game devs are scared that people might label their new game with a genre (as opposed to no genre, or at least 15 different genres).

Want to play the latest release in a series of world-renowned JRPGs known for their story, setting, and deep characters? What about an open-world game where you spend most of the time driving or coming up with NEW RECIPYEHS instead of having any noteworthy characters?

Want to play a bright colorful adventure game and delve into vast, well-designed dungeons to gather the seven maguffins and save the princess from a demon pig? How about an open-world pyromania simulator instead?

I'm just waiting to find out that Mario Odyssey is going to be an open-world game without any stars or shines or whatever, and you'll only be able to invade Bowser's castle between midnight and 3am real world time.

/r/boardgames Thread