What a nice, responsible gun owner.

They are not willing to break the law because they simply are not. Private gun dealers are legally allowed to not do a background check. That’s what makes this a loophole.

No matter how many times you call it a compromise or negotiation, it is still a dangerous policy. And it doesn’t change the fact that most of these are, in fact, loopholes.

Stating a few cases of people who got arrested does not change anything. It is not enforced because something that is enforced implies it is prioritized. Yes, it is illegal and people will get arrested IF you can catch them. Without Biden’s plan, this is hard to investigate. WITH his plan, it will be easier to track down people who participated in straw purchasing. So those articles are not really relevant. It’s not about the few people who got caught. I’m specifically talking about the bigger picture here

A $200 tax and a year of waiting is not bad. That’s how a lot of low-crime countries like Japan have it (at least in terms of gun crimes). That’s in fact, how most of the world works. So complaining about something that is normal and even PROVED (by other countries) to work against gun violence makes you sound like your paranoid, like you NEED a gun within the next day to keep you alive, which by the way, paranoia is a mental illness so. If you are afraid of not having a gun within a year you need real mental help. I’m not saying it as an insult. I’m being deadass. Paranoid people do not deserve guns, as it is a violation of people’s right to live and could possibly harm others or yourself. So when it comes to “the right to live” and “the right to bear arms” Im going to have to prioritize the first. With a gun you are bearing a device that completely deletes anyone’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness no matter who you are shooting. Many of these people are bearing a gun TO protect THEMSELVES because they are starving or whatever and need food so they decide to rob. Everyone is scared to do a lot of things and you know a leading cause of crime is simply money. First off, I’m sure a society with UBI and legal guns has far less crime rate than the US. In general though, many people don’t think twice before they shoot. Lots of people pussy out and shoot out of pussy assing (I am aware that is not a word but lets pretend it is for a second). People don’t stop to think about the other side of things. They don’t stop to think what they are doing when they pull that trigger. That’s what I mean when I say Americans have a problem with paranoia. Lots of veterans, lots of unironic conspiracy theorists, Karens who think masks are the works of the government, people AIMING their guns at peaceful protesters because “the government is out to get me holy shit! Oh no now a black person wants rights?? Black is the color of satan we cannot allow those”

Fact is, both the left and the right are irrational. The left are irrationally politically correct, and even patronizing to marginalized people which I think is just as bad as being an ass to someone based off their race/sex. The right are irrationally paranoid, unthoughtful, and only care about their own self and their family. They prioritize their own little bubble and this also tends to lead into racists, Karens, sexists, etc. No concept of community or social participation.

With that said, both have 1 thing in common. They victimize the shit out of themselves holy fuck it’s amazing to see dems cancel someone and ruin their entire career because “OMG GUYS JENNA MARBLES SAID SOMETHING IN THE PAST LETS ALL JUMP ON THE HATE WAGON” I am pretty sure 99% of cancel culture is a bunch of democrats wanting so hard to be some kind of hero; a SJW. And to see republicans with their white fragility “oh im not racist” and proceed to cry “I have a black friend.” After they openly say “go back to your country” when someone tells Karen (god forbid) to wear a mask.

Before you go “but youre just generalizing MOST people arent like that”

I know. I am generalizing because this is what you see on the internet 24/7. I know most republicans (like you, we having a pretty civil debate here) are not like that. And most democrats aren’t either. But the influence and the high density of these extremists are almost all you see online because of a filter. The internet just happens to show all the bad people from each side, which greatly influences how people and politicians view the other side, completely blind to the damage of their own.

Sorry for the Declaration of Independence long tangent there. I went wayy off topic to shit on politics. Not even at you. Just wanted to vent my views about these things for unknown reasons. Congratulations, and wow you are a god if you read all that shit I typed.

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