What the nickname says about the player, according to Gabidou99/Shyguymask

The yt-ers,they are a special breed. Long ago,in a galaxy far from here,people where good at the game and then started making vids. But this time has long gone. The game no longer comes first for yt-ers, the channel and their subscriptions come first. The game is just a vehicle,it could be any game really. But the big games they are all taken,yt-ers got over 10k subs and no way a new yt-er can make a name for themselves there without having any skill. So the skill less yt-ers they go to less competitive games like agario and now also diep.io. They carefully pick their opposition and their servers,friends to protect them. And then make a vid,Not to promote the game but to promote themselves and their channel.

But these people they don't have any skills when it comes to gaming,they just don't get the game and they probably never will. Because they don't love the game like real players do. And that is why there isn't a single yt-er who comes even close to my skill,and there never will be. And I am not even an exceptional gamer, Sweden and Poland to name a few countrys,they have much stronger gamers but I guess they don't play diep.

Anyway,be happy that you are not good. Beeing good not only takes 5% talent,it also takes 95% work. I probably play more a day then anyone else and you guys have school and such to worry about.

/r/Diepio Thread