What is NOT a dealbreaker BUT would be greatly disappointing to find out about your partner?

More like feelings and not opinions.

Examples from various friends, family, and relationships:

"That was rude of you to take my last <random consumable item>, I won't have time to get more before work tomorrow"

"Please stop closing the vents in the main part of the house and just turn down the A/C, you're running up the power bill (the vents continue to be closed after I repeatedly open them)"

"Please wash your dirty dishes and stop piling them up in the sink when I'm out of town"

"Stop telling me how to play a video game and what buttons to push when I've literally been gaming longer than you have (is what I wished I said instead of reacting somewhat hostile. I suspect this micromanaging behavior on his part was because I'm female, which pissed me off even more)"

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