What you Do is Not Harmless Exposing How action of SRS hurt people.

Dude, this isn't middle school, copy and pasting the same paragraph three times to make your argument longer doesn't increase the chances of the teacher giving you a sticker to show mom.

Angry, hateful right winger is doxxed? Duh, it can only be dem sneeky SJWs from SRS, taking away our freeze peach!

And r/worldnews can only be considered an SJW subreddit if your only view of the outside world is r/coontown and /pol/, which is pretty likely after reading your post.

Also, r/LGBT was never compromised, they were always SJWs, because guess what? In the non-SJW subreddits like r/worldnews, r/theredpill and r/the_donald (also known as the actual hate subreddits) LGBT people are constantly dehumanised, made fun of through crude jokes and used as a scapegoat. Don't act like you ever actually cared about them.

You try and use yours and some unnamed person's opinion and recount as fact, whereas the language you use already shows us that you have an incredibly biased view on the matter.

He said that they are the psyyhcopaths that they are because they lack friendship IRL

And so we fall down to the argument where all of these devolve down to. I'm doing this for no other reason than the fact that I am a lonely idiot. I don't actually care about the hate speech that you all try to mask as "informed opinions", that's pointless to me because no-one actually cares about others trying to make racism and sexism a social norm. I don't consider any other SRS users ot be "friends" because they're just randoms on the internet who I know nothing about, they could be assholes IRL, but that doesn't matter, I'm not on SRS to make friends, I don't have such an extreme view on the world that I can only express my opinions anonymously.

/r/ShitRedditSays Thread