What is one secret you have never told your parents and still don't plan on telling?

It has everything to do with what you said. You are choosing to think it doesn't for no other reason, but out of spite at this point. I did choose my sexuality, I have spoken to others who have described when they choose it as well. Even gay guys, even lesbians. I have yet to meet someone who upon telling me their history I could not point out a clear point where they decided this was the path for them...

Blissfully ignorant? Of what? Happiness? Because it is the only thing I do not have a clue how to be better at. Sure, I could tell you all the things you want to hear and blindly agree with you and everyone else's incoherent opinions that genuinely are completely ill explained baseless nonsense. Where are you getting this information? From your ass that's where. Mine is from talking to people and searching within myself I can demonstrate it time and time again. That's the explanation I want and the explanation none of these people or yourself are giving. I consistently get "your stupid" "your wrong" "ignorant," but not one of you is giving me any evidence other than shit that has been circle jerked around purely through word of mouth. Not a single shred of science or testing to back it up, not even a single response or "I tried to decide in myself where I decided to be this way, but simply cannot remember a time when I shifted or made any choice, and just always was." Why? Because it isn't true. You don't think of the things you never thought of in an argument, you only think of what you already know. So, what all of this says to me is, you have no fucking clue, you never explored that option and just went with whatever someone else told you.

Bisexuality wouldn't exist if you thought about relationships the way I think about them. It exists outside of a relationship, but not inside one. Even outside bisexuals always lean one way or the other more. ESPECIALLY as it relates to relationships. It is absurd to think of both sexes as equally as attractive because they are so incredibly unequivocally different. There is no ground to stand on when you say they are both equal to you. It's like all of you shut your brain off inside your heads and think of nothing, but whatever desire you have at the time. Search your own mind and tell me if you do not start to see more of what I am saying. Stop telling me useless nonsense that is simply told to you by someone who clearly told you just to appease you. Be honest, or talk not at all. I am telling you what I found in study you are telling me what you found by word of mouth and social interaction. Nothing that comes purely from the social world is based on accuracy and that is all you or anyone else are saying.

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