What is that one story/anecdote you would love to share, but no one ever asks the right question in this subreddit?

For some reason I was known as the smart kid in my sophomore year of high school. I blame the fact that I showed off my more quiet nature in the class since I had no friends there. The popular chick in the class notices. So in the middle of a test she gets up and moves over to my seat. The teacher is right there but frankly I don’t think he cared. So she sits over where I am loudly asking for the answers. During a test. I tell her the answer but apparently I mispronounced it. She started laughing and so what I did was I answered half of my questions wrong and then fell asleep. When I got up I saw her without a test so I redid mine and got an 86%. Yep. She then came back during finals pulling this same shit and I swear she would have done it on the midterm if she hadn’t switched out.

/r/AskReddit Thread